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CONSEP CSP Medium-high duty Aggregate Separation and Recovery System

Medium-High Duty – Self-cleaning - low energy consumption
Découvrez plus de choses sur ce produit pour le Centrales à béton


Medium-high duty Aggregate Separation and Recovery System 1
Ready-Mix concrete batching plants, precast concrete production and quarries need to treat or separate and reuse residual concrete from jobsites and concrete manufacturing processes in general to turn it into a valuable resource.
The CONSEP CSP Aggregate Reclaiming automated machineries enable different operations to fit all the user needs.
By choosing the advanced automation and remote-control options, the user can benefit of an "Industry 4.0 ready" solution.
CONSEP follows the principles of environmental sustainability in accordance with the goals of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda.
Automatic operation: user friendly (auto-on, auto-off + automatic cycle)
Automatic operation: user friendly (auto-on, auto-off + automatic cycle)
Modular design offers great flexibility in configuration according to specific on-site requirements
Modular design offers great flexibility in configuration according to specific on-site requirements
Significant reduction of unloading and parking times
Significant reduction of unloading and parking times

Spécificités techniques


CONSEP CSP is an economic and innovative solution for recovering and washing of all the aggregates. The low operating costs provided by a self-cleaning patented technology qualify CONSEP CSP as the perfect entry-level solution for small-medium production plants.
Medium-high duty Aggregate Separation and Recovery System


CONSEP CSP is suitable for treating concrete residues from simple washing. The solid aggregate particles (sand and gravel) having a particle size larger than 0.2mm (0.01 in) are separated from the wastewater by an inclined screw.


- 1 single receiving point (1 truck mixer)
- Ready-Mix concrete plants: typically 1 to 5 trucks mixer (washing only)
- Precast concrete plants: 5 m3 per hour of washing water
- Dirty water discharge into tank with agitator: suspended solids 8 ~ 10%; 0 ~ 1 mm
- 3kW drive unit


- Significant reduction of unloading and parking times
- Modular design offers great flexibility in configuration according to specific on-site requirements
- Automatic operation: user friendly (auto-on, auto-off + automatic cycle)
- Efficient and sustainable
- Time- and cost-saving wash-out of the equipment
- Savings in maintenance costs compared to simple sedimentation tanks
- Savings in raw material purchasing costs and waste disposal
- No costs for concrete demolition or for removal of concrete from the moulds


Solutions par industrie




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Dernière édition: avril 2024
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